
Showing posts from July, 2020

I'm finally reading again--

Assalamualaikum and hi, my imaginary readers. *long sigh* Oh my this blog feels ancient. My last post was like what, March? and now it's already July. It's just almost 3 months but felt like one long year has passed. As most of you guys know, I am currently working now. Like working, working - doing real work, meetings and whatnot. But that's a whole other story and today I wasn't going to talk about that. I've been meaning to write for ages but just couldn't find the right words to express myself and of course, time-constraint.  Today's post, I actually wanted to tell you guys -- after god knows how long being in a reading slump, I'm finally reading again. Although have to admit, so far I can only manage to read while commuting and still struggling to stay focus and awake. I feel like I'm in a battle for every sentence that I'm reading. But anyway, as per all the books that I always ended up reading, the book that I'm reading now to