I'm finally reading again--

Assalamualaikum and hi, my imaginary readers.

*long sigh* Oh my this blog feels ancient. My last post was like what, March? and now it's already July. It's just almost 3 months but felt like one long year has passed. As most of you guys know, I am currently working now. Like working, working - doing real work, meetings and whatnot. But that's a whole other story and today I wasn't going to talk about that. I've been meaning to write for ages but just couldn't find the right words to express myself and of course, time-constraint. 

Today's post, I actually wanted to tell you guys -- after god knows how long being in a reading slump, I'm finally reading again. Although have to admit, so far I can only manage to read while commuting and still struggling to stay focus and awake. I feel like I'm in a battle for every sentence that I'm reading. But anyway, as per all the books that I always ended up reading, the book that I'm reading now too, never fail to expose me. Oh, wait maybe that's why I always turn out to be reading motivational slash self-care (?) books. 

Is it just me or it's more fun to read something that you have in your mind for a very long time and some people or authors or writers put it in the exact words that you've always imagined. Definitely me, like all the time. The book I'm reading now called Better Than Before- Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin is definitely a great push for me to start reading again. Because 1) I want to read something light that doesn't require me to be committed like I can stop reading for a while and can still get back to it without feeling lost and 2) Not proud to be saying this- but I kind of having some habit conflict with myself hence the book's title is very obvious?

I am nowhere near to the middle of the book yet, but I have already found some things that can keep me reading. Since the whole idea of this book written was to help find and portray ways to master habits in lives, a very important framework consisting of four distinct groups that people always fall into of which I found it very intriguing was introduced solely from the observation of the writer herself. It is called 'The Four Tendencies'. 

According to Gretchen's observation (and I'm sure most of the readers would agree before they know it), "just about everyone falls into one of four distinct groups: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, Rebels". And as soon as I read those pages explaining about the tendencies, I knew right away which category I fall into. I am definitely an Obliger. Not something to be proud of and quote-unquote the book itself- Obligers, however, often dislike their Tendency. They're vexed by the fact that they can meet other's expectations, but not their expectations for themselves. Other people may get annoyed by stickler Upholders or interrogator Questioners, or maverick Rebels, but it's "people pleaser" Obligers themselves who bear the brunt of the downside of that Tendency. Absolutely true and definitely not proud of that.  

There are so many things in this book that keeps my reading on the track that I want to share with you guys but yeah maybe you guys wouldn't be that excited as I am when reading about myself. As for the end of this post, I thought it would be useful to share with my fellow imaginary readers the Four Tendencies and maybe you can know about yourself too?

I think I haven't done this with you guys, my beloved imaginary readers for quite some time- so let me know if you actually read this and not imaginary hihi love you guys always

Till then, assalamualaikum.



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